Sunday, April 13, 2008

One last appeal for the life i lead.

Hey guys. How has your weekend been? :D. i know ive promised a few of you guys ill be blogging everyday. but oh well. exceptionally lazy this weekend. Its been quite a tiring week for me as a whole and ive not been really able to catch my breath on certain things thats going to be implemented in my ongoing life for as long as i know of. Went for training at settlers with Hung on saturday full shift. Today was quite wierd . woke up, bulu came to my place, played WOW together, yeah its a lot of fun.
So i read the newpapers this morning, *winks* ive never really done that since i last remembered. im like ah newspaper?! dont need lah, when the time comes for us to know, well know. HAH. So i came across this interesting topic ive long wanted to share, which in turn, came up on the newspaper instead! This time, it was the analogy of a GENIUS going into something she really didnt want to go to, PROS-TI-TUTION! AH! ok so here goes, todays topic is about!!! *drum rolls* PARENTS!. *grins*. Have you ever wondered, and asked yourself? "what do you really want?" "Have you ever got driven down so much by your own parents that you cant even do what you really dream of doing?" Ive been trying so hard myself to try and pull together a small paragraph of something that describes us, CHILDREN. But ive never once managed to quite figure that out. UNTIL today. so here goes "While looking lovingly at their own children, parents should examine their consciences and ask searching questions of themselves." Are we encouraging or pushing?, Are we supporting or complaining? are we disciplining or bullying?"<<-- taken from the newpaper. Thats what i feel as an individual, maybe not so much nowadays cause my parents know im old enough to know whats right and whats wrong? but what comes a long way, are our own PAST experiences they gave us isnt it? Well, to me everything, happens for a reason. Parents have their own way of teaching their kids. There is no right or wrong way, theres just the more "SENSIBLE" way of doing things.
Well, AND then again u may agree with me. or you may not agree with me. Im just a normal human being, trying to live my life to the FULLEST. *cheers* (:


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